Saturday, January 20, 2007

Casting Auditions - OPEN CALL

- January 30, 07 Bozeman Montana
Montana State University
Visual Communications Building, RM 148

Life W/O Parole (10 minute film)

Roxanne Kilcooley discovers the man responsible for her daughter’s torture/rape/murder and serving a life sentence w/o parole is about to be released due to overcrowded prisons. She believes he will strike again, and takes it upon herself to monitor his actions, or stalk him. It’s Roxanne’s best friend and local sheriff, Layla Devereaux’s responsibility to discourage this behavior and help Roxanne get on with her life. Adrian DOES strike again and this time Layla’s daughter is in serious peril. Roxanne catches the monster in the act and performs a variety of heinous acts that leave the man completely incapacitated for life. Roxanne’s experience does not leave her mentality unscathed however, as she becomes a serial killer, hunting those that inflict such torment on children.


Roxanne Kilcooley: late 20’s to late 30’s, strong independent small-town single woman. She’s a hick who has done well for herself, by herself. Put herself through medical school while raising her every reason for living and breathing, her only daughter - Now a reproductive specialist. Roxanne will have to explore some very difficult emotions.

Layla Devereaux: late 20’s to late 30’s, The good cop and good friend to Roxanne. She must struggle with her belief in the justice system and the law when Adrian comes up for parole, then nearly loses her daughter to his criminal behavior. Roxanne saves Layla's teenage daughter, something Layla was unable to do for Roxanne.

Adrian Drake: late 20’s to late 30’s, The monster next door. Adrian’s been banking on the overcrowded prison situation and doing everything possible to draw attention to his rehabilitation efforts and exemplary behavior. It’s paid off, and he may even believe that he’s “a changed man.” Adrian is smart and calculating. The freedom is too much and he kidnaps the sheriff’s daughter. Roxanne catches him in the act and turns him into an incapacitated vegetable.

Other roles we’re looking to fill – all roles over 25 yrs of age

Security Guards (5)

Parole Review Board Committee (5)

Doctors (2)

The success of this project will be heavily dependent on performances. Talent must be available for bi-weekly rehearsals and the production dates: Feb 27 thru March 8. They will also need to be available for post sound work, or ADR.



You have been incarcerated for six years of your life sentence without parole. This is your 2nd incarceration for the same offense, the abduction, torture, rape and murder of a teenage girl.
Rumor has it that felons are being released on parole due to an extreme shortage of prison space and you have been called before a review board of 5 people for an undisclosed reason.
Somehow, the mother of the girl you murdered has seated herself in the room, 25 feet directly behind the chair provided for you. The sheriff responsible for your arrest is also seated behind you.

CORRECTIONAL REVIEW OFFICER: Mr. Drake. We are here because a review of your prison records since incarceration reveals an exemplary effort on your part to rehabilitate yourself. Would you please explain for the panel why and go into detail regarding your experience in the process.

ADRIAN: Thank you for this opportunity to appear before the board. It's been a long road to recovery as I've participated in the counseling program offered by Dr. Weinstein four days a week. I've never missed a session, even when I was feeling a little under the weather. I think he'll verify the great strides we've made in my efforts to become a harmless and productive member of society. Even if that society is limited to the state penitentiary. Even though I have no chance for parole, I want to understand why I was driven to hurt young girls. I don't want to die in here as the monster that was incarcerated for a terrible crime. I've spent a considerable amount of time with Father Maxwell, the Prison chaplain. With his guidance through bible study I've turned my life over to Christ and prayer has saved my soul. I know that my sins will never be forgiven with man but I've been washed in the blood of the lamb and that's more freedom than I've ever experienced in my life. I know I deserve to be here. I'm so sorry to the families that I've caused such pain and agony. In a million years and a million tongues I could never express the remorse I feel for my actions. I can stand here before you and with the greatest conviction say that I am no longer the man that I was six years ago.

CORRECTIONAL REVIEW OFFICER: You said you wanted to understand why you were driven to hurt young girls, can you share that with us and what have you done to change this about yourself?

ADRIAN: If you'll give me a second, this is difficult to address... For as long as I can remember I have been fascinated with mythology, Hades to be specific. Hades abducted Persephone into the underworld and made her his queen. Mandy... when I saw her, she was the personification of my image of Persephone. Then Isabelle, she was so vibrant. I've undergone extensive psychotherapy to aid in my seperation from this alterego.

CORRECTIONAL REVIEW OFFICER: There are no girls here, what makes you think you can enter a world full of vibrant and innocent Persephones and control yourself?

ADRIAN: It's only a story. Persephone doesn't exist. These were stories to explain the unexplainable. The seasons, the storms, all things that science explains for us now. Hades was nothing more than an explanation for where the dead go and who runs that place. I urge you to visit with Dr. Walters on my progress regarding the subject.




You have just joined Roxanne's boyfriend at your kitchen table. Your life-long best friend, Roxanne has lost her daughter (Isabelle - 14) to a brutal rape/torture/murder. Your daughter (Tamara - 5) spent all her time with the older girl and saw the whole thing, barely escaping herself.

Roxanne was overprotective and never let the girls go anywhere by themselves. You on the other hand, had confidence in your own community and encouraged Roxanne to lighten up. When Isabelle was abducted you swore to your best friend you would find her daughter alive. You found her mangled and dismembered lifeless body in a garbage can.
Roxanne has been completely elusive to Luke.

LAYLA: I don't know what to do, Tamara screams more than she sleeps.

LUKE: If it hadn't of been for Isabelle--

LAYLA: Don't even think a day goes by I don't cringe... Thinking Isabelle might still be here... If she hadn't had a tag-along everywhere she went.

LUKE: That's not what I was going to say... I'm doing absolutely everything I can think of and everything I say is wrong. help me Lay, I'm losing her.

LAYLA: That's the trouble Luke, you never really had her to begin with. I don't know that any man ever really will. Keith wasn't a BAD guy, just too young and stupid to face the responsibilities of raising a child... I've known Roxanne since grade school. She had to be resilient and depend on herself for a lot of things most kids take for granted. Notice there wasn't one Kilcooley at her graduation? Aunt Ruth was the only one who took any real interest in Roxanne, but then she died of lung cancer when Roxanne was fourteen. She's always reserved that little piece of herself that requires a woman to fall in love with a man. She doesn't NEED anyone.

LUKE: No kidding.

LAYLA: Come on! She's living every mother's worst nightmare. Sure we loved Izzy, we doted on her every word and smile, it hurts like hell she's gone. Now magnify that loss by flesh and blood, band aids and periods, by first words and first steps. But it's worse for Roxanne because she swore she would be the better mom, she wasn't going to make the same mistakes her family made. Roxanne has lost her every reason for living and breathing.


Audition Readings
Six years have gone by since the light of your life, Isabelle, was brutally tortured, raped, and murdered. You have recently discovered the monster who committed this heinous crime (his 2nd offense) and was sentenced to life without parole is about to be granted parole due to overcrowded prisons.
You have been drinking, and just wrestled a littled boy from an abusive father on the street. You delivered this boy to your life-long best friend, Sheriff Layla Devereaux.


LAYLA : Do you have any idea how many laws you've broken here?

ROXANNE : Maybe, what's new?
LAYLA: Lucky for you, you caught this John Goody in such a compromising situation. He probably won't press charges. I won't have to write you up. Besides that, you're drunk as a skunk.
ROXANNE: Drunker. Write me up. I don't care. Do what you gotta do Lay but take a good long look at little Jake there-

LAYLA: You're a doctor for crying out loud... You know these things have to go through the system. It's your responsibility to notify child protective services--

ROXANNE: Some piece of work, that system. I know all about the system, It'll take six months to DO anything. So proud. It's that system letting him out. You know Adrian's registered to live here.

LAYLA: I know. ROXANNE His mom's here, she still has her child. You know his existence has me rethinking my whole stance on pro-life. I think I'll pay her a little visit. Boy that'd set him on fire wouldn't it? Set him on fire, now that's the best idea I've had all night.
LAYLA: Just get that notion out of your head right now. Serving time for vigilante justice does not look good on a resume. Let me take you home.
Roxanne waves her off.
ROXANNE: Naw, you just stay here and uphold your precious little system. I need the fresh air.


ROXANNE: No more. Not in my town, not on my watch. Vigilante justice my ass. Screw this three strikes bullshit. A life sentence, I really thought that meant a lifetime. There are fewer Get out of Jail Free cards in Monopoly, what is wrong with this picture? Show some compassion. Bullshit! Show some backbone.

She reaches Isabelle's gravesite and kneels.
ROXANNE :So life isn't fair, but does it have to be so Godda- sorry- Brutal? I can't do it. I was trying so hard to forgive and forget, get on with my life but this is so wrong! I cannot be expected to just sit by and let this happen. Ask God to forgive me when you see him, cause him and me, we ain't talkin' right now.

The Written Proposal

Life W/O Parole


Situational Premise:

What if a single mother stalked the paroled monster responsible for her daughter’s brutal death and caught him in the act again?

Through-line premise:

Weak justice births the tragic hero bent on vengeance.

Guiding Principal:

Losing her grip on reality, Roxanne becomes the predator.

A successful reproductive specialist, Roxanne Kilcooley, has lost her only daughter to a vicious criminal’s actions. She learns the monster’s up for parole due to his exemplary behavior and overcrowded prisons, in spite of a life sentence. Roxanne watches his every move and catches him in the act yet again, but this time she’s prepared. Judge, jury, and executioner, Roxanne inflicts a life sentence no review board can ever repeal.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Please note this script will probably not print out correctly. for a printed version please contact the producer or director.



Colette Nelson SheRoar Films LLC 503 N. Quw Blvd
Belgrade, MT. 59714
(406) 388-0108
(406) 599-0751

© 2006, Colette Nelson



Orange prison garb, cuffs and shackles, an OFFICER follows ADRIAN into the room.
Five PROFESSIONALS remain seated at a conference table.

ADRIAN (V.O.) I'm a changed man.

They face mostly empty chairs where ROXANNE sits rigid, three seats behind OFFICER LAYLA listening and writing.
The women study his gorilla posture, muted facial expressions.

Adrian looks Roxanne in the eye - her eyes close.

ADRIAN (V.O.) Prayer...

HOSPITAL - Roxanne strokes the cheek of a NEWBORN. Layla enters, an old camcorder to her eye.

ADRIAN (V.O.) Anger management...

KITCHEN - ROXANNE kisses (5) ISABELLE's bandaged knee.

ADRIAN (V.O.) Group therapy...

TRUCK/DRIVEWAY - Roxanne and ISABELLE (8-10) smudges on her faces, tinker under the hood of Roxanne's truck.

ADRIAN (V.O.) Counseling...

STREET - DAY - (Teen) ISABELLE fights ADRIAN dragging her away, (5yr) TAM screams as she watches.

DECREPIT BASEMENT - Layla slides down wall next to garbage can of (teen) Isabelle's protruding bloody remains.

ADRIAN (V.O.) Psychotherapy...

MORGUE - NIGHT - Roxanne buckles in anguish before (teen)Isabelle's mangled form, frozen and uncovered on the table. Layla goes to the floor rocking her friend.
CEMETERY - DAY - Roxanne lies near a fresh grave, fingers clawing grass.

ROXANNE Just dig another one here.

Layla plops next to her on the grass, rubbing her back.


BACK TO SCENE - snapping roxanne's eyes open.

The lone chair stands empty.
Layla stands, The panel ignoring her. Roxanne continues breathing - stay calm. Layla clears her throat.
The annoyed group looks up expectantly.

LAYLA I'm Sheriff Layla Jenk--

CORRECTIONAL REVIEW OFFICER Save your breath Sheriff. Every prison in the nation's overcrowded. You're sending us more criminals than we can fiscally handle and every human rights organization is breathing down our necks about cramped living conditions. Every necessary precaution will be taken to ensure the safety of the public.
Layla - deep breath.

LAYLA Precautions so effective he's doing time again.

The group averts their eyes, shifting paperwork. Roxanne bursts from her seat and races for the table.


Roxanne climbs the table, grabbing ties and getting in bewildered faces.

Two SECURITY GUARDS burst through the door.

ROXANNE HE'LL DO IT AGAIN!Guards fight her arms and wrestle her to the door.

CORRECTIONAL REVIEW OFFICER This is a closed session! Get her out of here!


Layla shoots one last glance at the panel and hurries after Roxanne, being dragged forcefully out of the room.

LAYLA Let her go!


Driving, Roxanne locks eyes with Adrian rolling tire to door.

LAYLA (V.O.) His mother's sick, of course he's living here! He's working, has an apartment, a girl, what more do you want? He's at church every Sunday for cryin' out loud!

Layla's desk between her and Roxanne, Roxanne picks up a photo frame laying face down - TAMARA AND ISABELLE, arms wrapped around each other and laughing.

LAYLA Stop following him! If he presses charges, you'll be the one behind bars.
She picks up another photo, just Tamara this time.

Roxanne enters and goes to the counter.

ROXANNE Half a gallon of Rocky Road.

Roxanne turns to ADRIAN and his DATE at a table, her back to Roxanne.Adrian watches Roxanne approach, lean over and startle the woman, whispering-

ROXANNE You must be new around here, watch out, he's a real lady killer.

Back at the register, she tosses $ to the counter, whisks the ice cream from the counter and exits.

Tamara rocks to a beat in headphones, pushing a quiet lawnmower down the sidewalk.
She breaches an alleyway entrance - Turning her head - her eyes make contact with dark glasses behind the wheel of an old muscle car -

just as Adrian RAMS the gas pedal to the floor - and swings his door open simultaneously.

The DOOR SLAMS TAMARA'S SIDE and mower, throwing them a short distance - knocking the wind from her.

The car stops - Tamara fights for air!

Menacing boots approach - she tries to get up - collapses!

A fist lodges in her hair, Tamara screams but nothing comes out.

TAMARA (faint whisper) help!! help!!

Tamara's hands fly to her scalp to alleviate the strain.
In excruciating pain and fury Tamara screams and fights Adrian like a hellcat.

He struggles against her beating fists, dragging her to the open door.
He pulls her close in effort to bind her arms, cheek to cheek.

Like a pit bull, she SINKS PEARLY WHITES DEEP INTO SOFT FLESH and holds- he utters an ANGRY CRY, blood gushes.
He grabs her hair again, yanking her head back hard, her teeth dislodge, her hair slips through his fingers.
In spite of all pain, Tamara throws her head back and forward in effort to HEAD BUTT her opponent.
SMACK! Her head rolls back in a stupor.

Adrian tosses her limp body across the front seat.

Three OFFICERS hover over Layla, studying the blood spots on pavement, not far from the mangled mower. She springs to her feet, screaming and bouncing off the officers.

DISPATCHER (V.O.) Repeat, APB out on a missing female. Seventeen, long blonde hair, green eyes, five foot three, slender build.

A large heavy duffle bag flies across the front seat. Roxanne jumps in.

DISPATCHER (V.O.) Last seen at five thirty this evening leaving 690 Oak Street.

Adrian draws a knife along trembling neck flesh, releasing a blood trail. A whimper escapes her lips.

TAMARA Please, just-just stop.

Tools of torture hang bloody from the ceiling and walls. A high bloody table nearby, laid out with tools of menace. A dusty wood stove roars with fire in the corner.

Blood curdling SCREEEAAAM from within. Digital camera in hand, Roxanne takes a deep steadying breath, pulls down her mask, and kicks in the door with amazing force.

She steps in SNAPPING PICTURES fast-

Adrian even looks into the camera - SNAP!
ADRIAN What the hell-

Adrian mashes Tam's face away but her mangled image flashes in the LCD screen. Roxanne gags but clicks - SNAP!

ADRIAN Why you!

Fumbling with pants, Adrian ROARS and charges for her -


Roxanne BOLTS out the door and steps to one side.
Following, a baseball bat SMASHES Adrian's face -knocking him to the ground, unconscious.

Tamara slows to a stumbling walk. dirty, bloody tears stream down her cheeks.

ROXANNE (V.O.) Tam, tell them you got away. I had nothing to do with this. Nothing. Understand?

Bound to a chair, lying on his back, Adrian eyes a naked bulb. His pantlegs rolled to knees and sleeves cut off at elbows. A fire extinguisher rests near Adrian's shoes and the open woodstove.

ADRIAN Little bitch tasted like chicken... Think this ends here?

Roxanne hovers an axe above his ankle. Their eyes meet, she raises the tool Samurai style.

ROXANNE For you.

Adrian strains unsuccessfully against taunt rope.

ADRIAN But not for you.Axe swings -

Tamara scrubs with a soapy wash cloth-

Scrubs harder-

Scrubs faster-

Pours more soap on the cloth -

Scrubs harder!

Water runs into the drain glistening with a red hue.

Tamara SCREAMS in utter frustration.

Layla rests her head against the door in agony at the scream.

Blood squirts -

severed limb into the woodstove -

Axe swings -

blood squirts -

limb into stove -

Ice water dumps over Adrian's face, he comes to sputtering.

Dumbstruck, Layla sits before she falls and searches the face of the DOCTOR.

LAYLA There's no boyfriend. Isn't there something?... The morning after pill? Something?
DOCTOR #1 You sure that's how you want to handle this?

Layla's eyes dart from object to object in the small room as the sound of a wailing baby passes in the hallway.

LAYLA Doctor, she- NO ONE can ever know about this.

Roxanne snaps on a fresh pair of latex gloves.

Surgical scissors snip veins from an eyeball. Pulling it free, Roxanne places it next to it's twin on a cloth.

The hot fiery poker moves in. Black smoke and the sound of sizzling rise from the table.

A tongue and thirty-two teeth rest next to the eyeballs..

ADRIAN glglglglgglglgg.

Roxanne leans, whispering menacingly into Adrian's ear.

ROXANNE You would have been safer serving out your life sentence.


ROXANNE now you'll spend the rest of your days in darkness, unable to walk, write, or chew, unable to recognize another face or sound. you will piss and crap yourself the rest of your life and nurses will curse you everytime they have to clean you up. You will live, trapped inside with only your own warped mind to keep you company...

A sharp tool penetrates an eardrum, digging around forces the voice to become cloudy and only reaching one ear.

ROXANNE For a long time.

The other ear receives same gouging, and hearing is lost.

Roxanne stirs cooking, shredded meat on the woodstove, cell phone to her ear.

ROXANNE I mean it, Come alone Lay.

Gloved, Layla fingers a photo stapled across Adrian's face.

Standing behind her friend, Roxanne grimaces.
Layla rips the photo from his face, a mass of cooked shredded flesh spills from his mouth with a low moan.

Layla stands, rips her gun from her holster and aims at Adrian's head.
Roxanne steps between them.


ROXANNE This! THIS is a life sentence, It's irrevocable.

Layla fires a shot at Roxanne's feet. Roxanne flinches.

LAYLA That's my baby! MY GIRL!-I want-I want him to... I want my turn!

ROXANNE THIS IS YOUR TURN! Don't send him to hell just yet, let his mind do him in.

Layla and DOCTOR observe Adrian's bandaged form through a viewing window.
DOCTOR He's useless to the investigation. He can't whisper a name, identify a photo, write a clue, or even point a finger. Not a strange fingerprint, hair follicle or even a dead skin cell on this guy. He'll live out his life in some twisted recurring nightmare.

LAYLA See that he lives forever Doctor.

Layla walks away.

Roxanne leans forward planting a light kiss on the sleeping girl's forehead.
She tiptoes from the darkened room, leaving a teddy bear on the dresser.

The radio blares the local news as Roxanne's headlights shine on the road ahead.

ANNOUNCER The FBI has been called in on a bizarre case as a fifth repeat sex offender has been found completely incapacitated with incriminating evidence stapled across what used to be his face.

Roxanne etches a tally mark across four lines in her dash.


CREDITS: with faces of real life murdered children and the dates of their deaths.