Monday, July 9, 2007

LWOP Progress

Hey hey hey!

I hope everyone is having a great summer and listening to the muse.

LWOP is in limbo at, we're waiting on a dvd proof from them to use for automatic submissions to festivals.

At this point we've entered Hatchfest and - if accepted - should know by the end of the month.

Other Festivals we plan to enter include AFI Fest, Sundance, St. Louis and others.

Go to this link:

and support our film.

Several quips have already been posted - thanks for the support!


Friday, May 11, 2007

Tracy Awards TONIGHT

Just let me say now, regardless of what happens tonight at the Tracy Awards - we can all be very pleased with LIFE W/O PAROLE!!!


Let me share some of the feedback we have received.

"Emotionally gripping"


"Hard to watch"

"Ambitious and well done"

"Great editing"

Cinematography received Strong comments from every reviewer!

In every aspect we received good comments - great job team!

Our grade for 472/474? A big fat solid "A" WOOHOO!!! Hard to get in that class!

I know many of you are looking forward to a summer of fun and relaxation, or work and classes. You should know that Camdon and I are meeting regularly to work on our festival strategy. We'll continue to use this blog to keep you updated if you're interested.

We are seeking news clippings of real life events pertaining to this very issue. If you come across an article about an offender getting early parole, or committing another crime after being released - please send it to Camdon or myself. It's a part of our "campaign."

Check back frequently for updates on YOUR film.

Thanks everyone.


p.s. - don't forget to blog us back!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Oh the news News News NEWS! The wrap party was a smashing success. The fun we had! Post is coming along - every cut gets us a little closer to the end product and I'm so excited about the work being done.

Masks are being distributed through checkout - I also have some awards for Camdon, Tina, Niene and others.

Leif is working on the score - we heard a rough version of the piece that covers the stalking scene - all very exciting.

This Friday we have Round Robin with faculty. I hope to be much further along with sound by then.

I know everyone is so busy this time of the semester but I wanted to say - hang in there! We're getting closer!


Friday, March 9, 2007

That's a WRAP!!!!

Congratulations! Thank you! Have a great Spring Break!

Last night we wrapped on a fairly easy three shots. Oh the fun we have had. Thank you to everyone for keeping this production running as smoothly as it did. Sure we had our share of problems but it's the way we held it together while we were solving them that counts.

Welcome back Amy, we're here for you "Mac-n-Cheese".

We'll be in workshop today looking at a trailer that Alex White cut together for us - it does not include all pertinent footage but a good glimpse of what is yet to come.

Have a great Spring Break! We'll be doing what we can over the break.

Just think of me, scrubbing the blood off my walls and floors in my basement.

I'll post again re: the wrap party soon!


Wednesday, February 28, 2007


We are three days into production and I want to send out BIG KUDOS to everyone involved! I think Chellie is truly enjoying the camraderie and good will on set. Thank you everyone for making her feel so comfortable!

We had some set backs today - and will reshoot the 2nd abduction scene next week - gotta love a well scheduled production that allows for some creative problem solving!

Keep it on track people - I love working with you! 8 days of production to go, and counting!